Yepzon Oy is an innovative Finnish company that produces high-tech GPS locators, sensors and the ecosystem that supports them. The solutions are used in both the consumer and business markets. Over the past 8 years, the company has continuously developed its offering and applications. Now Yepzon is focusing on expanding its B2B business.
The rapid expansion of the business meant a new round of financing for Yepzon.
General aspects about the funding round
The round was not Yepzon’s first, so they already had a significant group of former investors. However, this time reaching the target required a lot of new investors.
Sterly Oy’s share issue concept is based on the fact that the company (in this case Yepzon) acts as the organizer and seller of the share issue itself, but Sterly brings the necessary tools to carry out the share issue. We will build the necessary IT infrastructure for the share issue, such as a website, webinars and a digital share subscription channel. We also assist our clients in preparing the necessary documentation, such as the terms and conditions of the share issue, brochures, advertisements and videos. However, the most important thing is probably to implement a digital marketing campaign using social media, search engine optimization and traditional advertising channels such as blogs, native ads and banners.
When it is virtually impossible to hold physical events today, we at Sterly help our clients complete the share issue themselves, and completely digitally.
The sale of a share issue is statistical mathematics – a certain percentage always ends up investing. The success of the share issue is guaranteed when there are enough participants in the website and webinars implemented for the share issue. Sterly’s core competency is to maximize the number of visitors interested in such an issue.
Media and marketing
The issue of Yepzon’s shares was published in several publications, including Kauppalehti, Arvopaperi, Sijoittaja and MTV. In addition to these, an interesting press release was essential to the success of the campaign. Hiring a sales army is an outdated method, as not only is it expensive, but it also doesn’t work during this covid era. With the help of the campaign, almost a thousand potential investors were found interested in Yepzon, which is an exceptionally large number on a Finnish scale. However, keep in mind that advertising only accrues clicks. More is needed to make an investment decision.
We created a great landing page that told the story of Yepzon, their predictions for the future and much more that would interest investors. In addition, through the website, visitors had the opportunity to leave their contact information with Yepzon for further discussion.
Media ja webinars
Videos and webinars were also an important part of the success of Yepzon’s funding round. Creating the video will allow Yepzon’s message to be delivered live to thousands of interested people. Webinars, on the other hand, provide an opportunity for a company to talk directly to potential investors.
A multi-channel digital solution to reach your audience is a great option; you were then marketing a share issue or the product or service itself. Our solution combines IT, finance and marketing expertise to help you get the most out of your campaign.
The result
Yepzon closed the financing round after reaching more than 1.3 million euros. The campaign was a huge success for Yepzon. Our marketing efforts helped Yepzon focus on its core competencies – giving us support for the campaign where we value it most.
“Organizing a share issue with a target of more than one million euros and limited resources is not an easy project, especially when the employees already have their hands full in managing the customers. With Sterly’s technical and marketing expertise, the burden was reduced and we were able to reach potential investors on a wider scale. As an agile partner, Sterly helped get the most out of the share issue by accomplishing a wide variety of different and different sized tasks.”
Heidi Rantala, COO, Partner Yepzon Oy
Share issue in numbers
- 1.3 million euros
- ~950 potential investors signed up ready to learn more about Yepzon
- 11% conversion rate on landing page
- 4 webinars
- 160+ webinar participants