Design & Development

Sterly designs and builds online visibility for companies looking to expand their brands to a new level.

Website Development

We create successful and productive online visibility for companies looking to expand their existing sales channels or establish new ones.

Digital Marketing

Do you want to increase your sales online?
We promise genuine results using digital channels.

Search Engine Optimization

Gain visibility on Google to grow your customer base.

Marketing Starter Pack

Give your business a digital boost with Sterly's starter pack!

Share issues

We help companies to raise private funding by consulting them with share issues.

white concrete mosque near body of water

Public funding

We help companies to get public funding.


How did we cope with the huge increase in staff as we helped hundreds of companies overcome the interest rate crisis?

  • Case Studies

    Veterinary appointment on an online platform is a modern solution

    Covid-19 pandemic forced companies to take a leap and reinvent their services to better suit the new environment. Read more how we helped a veterinary clinic to create an online platform for their services.

    Gamifying children’s health

    COVID-19 Hit Finland and the implications were immeasurable, naturally, the industries who relied on people attending their premises were impacted heavily. Here's how we helped Buugi a SportsCenter in Jyväskylä.

    How we helped hundreds of Finnish companies raise much-needed funding during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Veterinary appointment on an online platform is a modern solution

Covid-19 pandemic forced companies to take a leap and reinvent their services to better suit the new environment. Read more how we helped a veterinary clinic to create an online platform for their services.

Gamifying children’s health

COVID-19 Hit Finland and the implications were immeasurable, naturally, the industries who relied on people attending their premises were impacted heavily. Here's how we helped Buugi a SportsCenter in Jyväskylä.

How we helped hundreds of Finnish companies raise much-needed funding during the Covid-19 pandemic.

  • Blog

    Sales-Driven Customer Management

    If you read my previous blog post, your website is now great and is pushing new customers for your business, […]


    Websites are your best seller

    Usually, when designing a website project, you probably even focus too much on the overall look of the pages: good […]

  • News


    Sterly Oy's share issue has been kicked off with a great success and the first subscriptions have been registered on the very first day.


    Sterly Oy has successfully launched the digital coin of Happy Hour Restaurants. This is the first step in launching the Pepi system as a whole.


    Sterly Oy’s Board of Directors decided to arrange its first directed share issue in February 2022. The size of the share issue will be EUR 500,000 and the minimum investment EUR 25,000. The share issue is primarily aimed at angel investors familiar with international business, information technology, cryptocurrencies or the fintech industry. The exact details of the share issue will be published at the turn of the year.


    Sterly Oy is one of the first Finnish consulting companies to start accepting cryptocurrencies as a means of payment. In the future, our service can be paid in Bitcoin and Ethereum currencies. Sterly Oy invoiced its first invoice in Bitcoins on October 14, 2021.


    Sterly Oy’s internationalization is progressing according to plan. Sterly Oy’s services have aroused special interest in Sweden, but sales have also been made to some extent in Asia.


    Sterly Oy and IBM have signed a Business Partner Agreement. This further extends Sterly’s capabilities to offer world class technology to our clients. In the starting phase Sterly’s focus areas are IBM’s infrastructure, cloud and blockchain solutions.


    Sterly Oy entered the Business Finland tempo program with its new innovative share issue concept. In Sterly Oy’s model, the customer arranges the share issue himself, but Sterly Oy brings the customer all the necessary tools and expertise for the success of the share issue. The service model includes everything from preparing documentation, to the Landing site and to digital marketing of the site.


    Clewat Oy raised almost EUR 500,000 more share capital through a share issue carried out by Sterly Oy. Clewat Oy is a Finnish technology company specializing in the cleaning of seas and other water bodies.


    Sterly Oy acquired the service from AJ Sijoitus Oy. The stock market is focused on the secondary market trading of unlisted shares. All shares in the form of shares can be sold on the trading venue, be it a golf share, a telephone share or a share of a limited liability company engaged in a traditional business. The stock market will be opened to the public in autumn 2021 at


Sales-Driven Customer Management

If you read my previous blog post, your website is now great and is pushing new customers for your business, […]


Websites are your best seller

Usually, when designing a website project, you probably even focus too much on the overall look of the pages: good […]


Sterly Oy's share issue has been kicked off with a great success and the first subscriptions have been registered on the very first day.


Sterly Oy has successfully launched the digital coin of Happy Hour Restaurants. This is the first step in launching the Pepi system as a whole.


Sterly Oy’s Board of Directors decided to arrange its first directed share issue in February 2022. The size of the share issue will be EUR 500,000 and the minimum investment EUR 25,000. The share issue is primarily aimed at angel investors familiar with international business, information technology, cryptocurrencies or the fintech industry. The exact details of the share issue will be published at the turn of the year.


Sterly Oy is one of the first Finnish consulting companies to start accepting cryptocurrencies as a means of payment. In the future, our service can be paid in Bitcoin and Ethereum currencies. Sterly Oy invoiced its first invoice in Bitcoins on October 14, 2021.


Sterly Oy’s internationalization is progressing according to plan. Sterly Oy’s services have aroused special interest in Sweden, but sales have also been made to some extent in Asia.


Sterly Oy and IBM have signed a Business Partner Agreement. This further extends Sterly’s capabilities to offer world class technology to our clients. In the starting phase Sterly’s focus areas are IBM’s infrastructure, cloud and blockchain solutions.


Sterly Oy entered the Business Finland tempo program with its new innovative share issue concept. In Sterly Oy’s model, the customer arranges the share issue himself, but Sterly Oy brings the customer all the necessary tools and expertise for the success of the share issue. The service model includes everything from preparing documentation, to the Landing site and to digital marketing of the site.


Clewat Oy raised almost EUR 500,000 more share capital through a share issue carried out by Sterly Oy. Clewat Oy is a Finnish technology company specializing in the cleaning of seas and other water bodies.


Sterly Oy acquired the service from AJ Sijoitus Oy. The stock market is focused on the secondary market trading of unlisted shares. All shares in the form of shares can be sold on the trading venue, be it a golf share, a telephone share or a share of a limited liability company engaged in a traditional business. The stock market will be opened to the public in autumn 2021 at

The jungle of public funding options may seem confusing at first glance, as the opportunities are vast. There are several ways in which SMEs can get financial assistance from the public entities. Generally, these funds are directed to situations, where the development project benefits Finland in a larger scale. In other words, the aim is to increase the employment and tax revenue. Through the financial assistance the SMEs are encouraged to direct their resources to innovations, business development and internationalization. 

However, in order to untap these resources to boost their business the companies should find the right channels and funds for their particular situation. Here’s a little summary of the public funding opportunities in Finland.

Innovation Voucher

If we set these different forms of funding on a scale according to the heaviness of the application process and the project scope, innovation voucher by Business Finland is at the lower end of that scale. The voucher is 5000€ euros, from which the company should have 1000€ of own capital.

The voucher is meant to situations where the SME has a new product or a service idea, but it requires external help to proceed with it. With innovation voucher the company can obtain expert services to support the development of this innovative product. Applying for the voucher is very straightforward and the decision comes back often in just few days. 

Business Finland

Business Finland has various programs to fund companies and it is actually the biggest domestic player in the field. A common way to enter the Business Finland’s financial support is the Tempo funding, but there are other options as well, such as Into or R&D funding. The suitable funding program depends on the company’s size and age, but there are options to different type of companies from startups to over 5-year-old SMEs and large-scale businesses. The financial support of Business Finland is directed to such projects, which fasten product development or develop completely new products or services, enhance business development, pilot products to new markets and customers or aim to internationalize.

The application process with Business Finland is rather convenient. After writing the application and submitting it as such, it doesn’t automatically lead to either approval or rejection of the project. Instead, the content of it is in most cases negotiated with Business Finland experts, which helps you to fix the application in case there is something to improve or fix. However, the project and the application should be carefully planned before submitting it, as this makes the review and approval process much faster.

ELY Centers

Another domestic funding entity is the ELY Center, which is divided into regional offices: depending on the region, the funding policies vary slightly according to the development needs of that particular area. General themes to which the funding can be received are internationalization, production development and technological development.

The approval of funding is obtained by writing a project plan and discussing with ELY-center business advisor. In the case of ELY center, the company has to be able to fund half of the project by them self.


The direct business funding from EU can be applied within the framework program running at that time: in 2022 it is done through a Horizon Europe research & innovation program, which will last to 2027. The three pillars of the program are “Excellent Science”, “Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness” and “Innovative Europe”. Even if on a yearly level there is 350 million euros funding shared to European companies, this is divided between just a fraction of the companies applying. In order to get the direct EU support, the ideas must be competitive on a European level. 

There is also indirect EU funding, which is shared through ELY centers or regional development funds. The regional development programs are published on the website, and some of them are suitable in business development context. 

Has your company benefitted from all the funding opportunities you are entitled to? We at Sterly can help you to find the most suitable option to your needs. 

Anna arvostelu

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